
19 Nov 2010

The view from the other side

I have had an amazing day.  I had the opportunity to sit in on auditions for a director friend's theatre production - and read with other actors.

I'm of the opinion that you never, ever know enough, so this was a good opportunity to watch, listen and learn.  I got some valuable insight on how to be a better actor.

I have come up with a short list of things you should and shouldn't do at an audition because I saw the effect of each of these on the director:

  • Turn up.  Yes, you wouldn't believe how many people just don't turn up.  No text, no call, no email.  It's just rude and you're not doing yourself any favours.
  • If the part calls for a certain skill, have something prepared.  They asked for people who could sing and some people 'couldn't think' of something to sing.
  • Be consistent.  When you audition with one actor and then completely change your performance when you're auditioning with another actor (for the same scene), that isn't good.
  • Know your accents.  Don't go from LA to New York in one monologue.  
  • Believe in yourself!  Go in there, look them in the eye and know that you're there because you've been selected to be there.  Believe that you can do it and you will do yourself justice.
I also realised that for all those times us actors have moaned about the casting process and the people involved, I think that before you judge those people, it's good to have walked in their shoes.  They don't have it easy either.

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